Embsay-with-Eastby Community Library
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Embsay-with-Eastby Community Library
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Reserving Items from the Library

If you can't find the item you are looking for in the library, but you can locate it in the North Yorkshire libraries catalogue, you can reserve the item and it will be delivered to the library in Embsay (or other North Yorkshire library of your choice) for you to collect.

There is a small charge for adult readers requesting books (currently £1 per item, payable on collection of the reserved books) but no charge for requesting CDs, DVDs and audiobooks (although the usual hire charges still apply when the item is collected).

How to reserve items

You can reserve books, audiobooks, CDs, DVDs and language courses online or in person at the library

Reserving items online

To reserve an item online, first, log in to your North Yorkshire online account - you'll need your library card number and PIN to do this.

Search for the required item

You now need to find the item using the catalogue search facility. Enter some text in the search box to help you find the required item. This might be:

  • a word or phrase from the title (try to choose the less common words in the title - for example, to find To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, enter 'Mockingbird' rather than 'to kill'),
  • the author's name (enter the surname, or the surname followed by a comma and the first name - for example, to find works by Harper Lee, enter 'Lee' or 'Lee, H'),
  • a subject (for example, 'mathematics' or 'Yorkshire Dales').

Select an item

After pressing the 'Search' button you should be presented with a list of items, each one usually having a cover picture, title, author, format information and brief description. There may be multiple copies of the same item: for example, one book might be available as a paperback, hardback, audiobook, and in large print or there may be several publishers of the same item. Try to choose the right one for you!

Check availability of the item

Click on the 'Check availability' button next to the item you want and you will be shown more details about it, including where copies of it are located and their availability. If a copy is out on loan, the return due date will be displayed. There is no guarantee, however, that the book will be returned at this time, as the reader may renew their loan. If you see that there is a copy at Embsay Library and it is marked 'Available', do come and see us to borrow it, but if you have a long journey to get to the library, we recommend contacting us (by phoning 01756 700367) before setting off to make sure it is actually in stock.

Reserve the item

If the item is not available at Embsay Library and you are willing to pay the reservation fee, select the library to collect it from in the drop-down list (if you are logged in to your account) and click on the 'Reserve' button.

If the reservation has been successful, you should be re-directed to a page giving you confirmation that the reservation has been placed.

Collect your item

You will be contacted when the reserved item is ready for collection at the library - all you have to do then is collect it, pay the reservation fee and enjoy your book!

Reserving items in person

If you are looking for a particular item, simply ask a library volunteer when you visit Embsay Library. They will be pleased to search the catalogue for you and place reservations for an item of your choice. You will be notified when it arrives at Embsay Library so that all you have to do is collect it, pay the reservation fee and enjoy your book!